Το τελειο σκονακι

Παλιότερα απλά σκίζαμε την σελίδα του βιβλίου που πιστεύαμε ότι θα είναι στα θέματα του διαγωνίσματος και τέλειωνε η ιστορία. Άντε οι πιο ψαγμένοι να γράφανε με ξυραφάκι κανένα αριθμητικό τύπο πάνω στο στυλό τους.

Εδώ θα δείτε κάποιον που το έχει προχωρήσει περισσότερο το θέμα σκονάκι. Μάλιστα με φωτογραφίες σας καθοδηγεί για το πως θα το κάνετε και εσείς.

Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση η ύπαρξη υπολογιστή ,ενός προγράμματος επεξεργασίας κειμένου τύπου Word και φυσικά θάρρους.

Πάντως επειδή και τα καλύτερα σκονάκια ΔΕΝ σας εξασφαλίζουν, το καλύτερο που έχετε να κάνετε  αν θέλετε καλό βαθμό είναι να διαβάσετε όσο καλύτερα μπορείτε..

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι


Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

Οδηγίες για ένα τέλειο σκονάκι

How to Get Good Grades

Getting good grades requires hard work, but it’s within your reach. Here’s how to do it.


Edit Steps

  1. 1

    Stay organized. A lot of people say this, but it really does help! Organizing your locker helps you remember to bring your supplies to class and to your house to do your homework and study.Once every semester or quarter, clean out your locker full of nonsense papers! it only takes a few minutes of your day! Organizing your notes will make them much easier to understand later on. Also, keep your desk/study space tidy, and make sure you have a clean, quiet place to study and do homework that is withdrawn from the main part of the house.

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  2. 2

    Keep a calendar. Whether it’s a day planner you carry in your backpack, a calendar on your wall at home, or a to-do list you make at the end of every day, it can help you keep track of when assignments are due and stay organized. At the beginning of the term, when you get a syllabus, write down every test, quiz, and assignment due date. Do this for each class. Every day when you get home from school, check your calendar and see what needs to be done before tomorrow, as well as what’s on the horizon for the next few days.

    • Try to do your homework immediately after school. Time management is essential. If you’re given an assignment that’s due next week, don’t procrastinate; get started the same day you get the assignment (see more about this in tips).
    • If possible, try to get assignments finished at least 1 whole day before the due date. Most teachers will deduct points for each day your work is late.
    • Homework counts for a large portion of your grade. If your teacher has any extra credit assignments, do them! It won’t hurt if you try it out. Even if you get some wrong, have confidence that your teachers will still give you some points back.
  3. 3

    Take notes on everything. For most courses in middle school, high school, and junior/community college, most of what is on the tests and homework will be discussed in the class. If your teacher draws a diagram on the board, copy that down – it can help you remember the information. Don’t just copy what they write on the board, either; take extensive notes on everything. Most of the time in middle school, though, the teachers will take it easy and ask you to copy it down or give you specific instructions. Still, if you want to get the best marks, copy it down.

    • Notes should be short, and, if possible, get pens with colored ink or scented pencils as it aids the memory. These are useful and fun tricks that help with note taking and studying.
    • Write good, legible notes. Colored pens are fun to write with if you want to get more creative with your notes, but use them only for sections of your notes that you feel will be on a test or are important. It makes them stand out. Use highlighters if there’s something you need to find easily flipping through your notes, but don’t highlight too much text or it destroys the point.
  4. 4

    Keep track of your grades. You won’t get a high score if you don’t aim for one. Some schools have an online place where you can check your grades whenever you want. Utilize this and make sure that you have a username and password from your teacher. If not, ask your teacher for your grade. You can average it yourself if you’re desperate, or you can wait until the next progress report.

  5. 5

    Put homework first. Set yourself goals and make sure you reach them before you go out and party. Having a social life is important, but your grades can affect a lot of your choices for the future. Schedule time each day to study, just as you would schedule dates or parties.

  6. 6

    Ask for help. If you’re not sure what’s required for a good grade or are struggling with the coursework, ask your teacher for help. It doesn’t have to be a complex question; your teacher is always happy to help you. Ask after class or in an e-mail for assistance. If your teacher is unavailable (i.e. on a vacation), ask the substitute, your parents, friends, or anyone else! Some people seem to think you are stupid if you ask questions, but ignore them. Asking questions will improve your grades and help your understanding.

    • If he or she doesn’t have time to help you, at least ask for a recommendation on a good tutor.
  7. 7

    Know how to take a test. These tips can help you score well on your next exam:

    • Take the notes and make a study guide. Look in the textbook and put all important ideas and details in your notes.
    • Review the study guide. Feel free to write all over it, as most teachers don’t ask for it back. Go over it until you feel like you know the material well.
    • Make someone test you on the study guide. You can try to sing the question and answer or whatever else you like to do.
    • Use memory tricks. If you think you’ve got the material down, try to do some synthesis with what you know, like writing an essay.
    • Do sample problems. Make sure you did it right.
    • Ask your teacher if you can do an essay or extra sheet of problems for extra credit. If she says yes, hand it in the next day. If she hands it back before the test, you’ll see your mistakes and be able to fix them.
    • Review your notes every night, so when the big test comes, remembering what you learned is a snap.
    • Invent fun ways to study. Don’t study all in one night; study a bit each night. Your brain cannot take in so much information all at once. Make flash cards, have a friend over, or join an after-school homework club if you can for help from a teacher or friend from the same class. You can make a board game to make studying fun and easy, or you can just type up your notes if it makes it easier to read. Do as much as possible to make sure you know the material.
    • Relax. If you’re fidgety or worried that you’ll fail the test, you won’t be able to fulfill your complete potential. If you studied for it long enough that you know the information, then you shouldn’t be worried about getting a low grade.
  8. 8

    Pay attention to your instructor’s teaching style and use the same method to learn the information. If they write on the blackboard, take notes; if they lecture, listen hard or record the lecture to listen to multiple times. This sounds simple, but many will find it hard to stay focused for an entire class period. Here is where the hard work comes in: staying focused!

  9. 9

    Get a good night’s rest. You need sleep in order to stay focused, and without it, you will have a hard time staying on task and may forget what you just learned.

  10. 10

    Improve your memory. Give your brain a workout – try some fun puzzle exercises everyday such as crosswords, Sudoku, and other games which are easy enough to for anyone. This will boost your brainpower and you will be able to memorize more information at school.

  11. 11

    Eat a good, healthy breakfast everyday. It is known that if students eat a good and healthy breakfast every morning, they generally get good grades and are able to focus better in school.

  12. 12

    Think about your future. Think about it whenever you are in a hard test/quiz. People will see this, and the people will mean something to the rest of your life. The things that you do now, especially the ones that count for your grades, will be important and count for your whole life, career, college, and more. Get good grades, do your homework, and remember, homework isn’t actually for “home work.” It is for the teachers to know that you know the topic well and for you to get some more practice of what you need. Never slack off on something when it comes to school and think more about the future then the moment you are in during that moment in time. Keep working hard!

  13. 13

    After reading one line revise it ten times without seeing. It will stay in your mind for a longer time .It is particularly effective when you have less time for studying.

  14. 14

    Use notecards to help you study. They are a great learning tool. Even the act of just writing them out can help you recall information later on. Once you go through them a few times, make piles of “easy,” “medium,” and “hard.”

  15. 15

    Be calm, Loosen up. Studying for middle school, high school, and even college, should not cause anxiety or depression. We all have goals in life, and if you follow these tips you wont have to face issues like this any longer! hoped this helped 🙂

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Edit Tips

  • Always do your homework every night. It can save your grade if you fall short on homework or tests, and even if you did well it will help your GPA.
  • Organize your work area. Make sure everything is neat and you can find it easily. As any college student will tell you, working in an untidy environment will only lead to distraction. Make sure you have all of the supplies you need for class.
  • Most importantly, have fun when doing it. If you enjoy one thing more, you can learn more easily. Just believe in yourself and anything can happen!
  • Do not procrastinate. Don’t do a project the night before or on the morning of. If it seems like a huge project, then break it into little steps and do a couple per day. Or, find a partner to work with, if your teacher allows it, and split the work between you two.
  • Don’t cram right before a test. Study well in advance. This will allow you the luxury of breaks between study sessions and to study with friends once in awhile.
  • It’s not about how long you study, its about how well you study. Skimming a book for five hours doesn’t help as much as reading your notes and the book for two hours.
  • When taking tests, you have to relax. Easier said than done? Remember – you have all of the answers in your head already! The only challenge is getting them out! Your first instinct is nearly always correct. Don’t go back and change answers. If you are really not sure, skip it and come back later.
  • Stay focused on the goal.
  • Always read the questions given on a test. Skimming over them might tell you the opposite of what you need to do.
  • Keep a small notepad or even loose paper will do. Write down any and all assignments, due dates, and have a check box next to each one. If it helps, break things down into as many smaller components as possible. Instead of taking on large tasks, the more things you can accomplish and check off, the more refreshed you will be and you will maintain a better outlook toward the assignments.
  • If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask the teacher! You have the right to learn. Plus, they’ll be happy to help you. Also remember that you’re smart if you ask questions.
  • It is proven that studying before you go to sleep can help you remember things. Try studying closer to your bedtime, or even just read through all your notes before you go to bed; just don’t stay up too late and lose precious hours of sleep!
  • Study for one subject at a time, you’ll get better grades that way. It’s better to make sure you know one subject really well and then move onto the next when you study, than go into an exam with a basic knowledge of all of your subjects.
  • Don’t be afraid to be great. Don’t worry if people think you are a perfectionist or an overachiever. Be persistent with your work while everyone else is screwing around in class. In four years you will more than likely never see these people again, but you will see the C’s and D’s on your transcript that could have been A’s and B’s.
  • Don’t be ashamed of being smart or needing a tutor. Tons of smart kids get picked on, but being smart always pays off in the end. Also, don’t be afraid to get a tutor because it doesn’t mean you aren’t smart. It just means you need a little help and that you are learning at a right pace for you, which is perfectly okay. Some teachers will even recommend tutors and add to your grade for getting tutoring: if they do this, be sure to get the tutoring! A couple extra points to your grade can never hurt.
  • It does not matter how much you study if you still believe that you are not capable of getting good grades. No matter what your past results or current results are, you must start focusing entirely on success at school. Do not let anything else enter your mind apart from success.
  • Use your time wisely. If you are given an hour to complete a 120 question test, that’s 30 seconds per question. 30 seconds can be made into a lot of time. Many of the questions will take far less than 30 seconds, so apply the balance to a tougher question. Don’t think too deeply on the time, and don’t let yourself get distracted by the ticking of the clock.
  • Ask a lot of questions in class! This will clear up anything you’re unsure on, and possibly give you new information to spice up a paper. Also, participating actively in class can actually raise your grade! Your teacher will see you are active in class, there is participation grades you know!
  • You may have to cut down on entertainment in order to succeed. The best students know how to say, “No, I can’t hang out because I have to study.” Some friends might tease you, but your real friends will understand. Remember though that you do need to relax every now and then or you will get too stressed out and get worse grades. It is important to balance out your studies and social life.
  • Set a study schedule. May seem overrated but it actually works. Give yourself 15-20 minutes to wind if you feel stressed from school, unless you can stay in *school mode* right after you get home. Do not save your homework for 9 p.m.
  • Don’t give up. You may not improve your grades on your first try. Instead of giving up, go back and see what you didn’t understand the first time.
  • Make sure you STUDY, STUDY, STUDY alot and not just cram it all in the night before. Revise over the work you have already learned so you can learn it faster and have an advantage when it come to the exam. Also, try to do some extra work by going to tutoring classes or find an online tutor.
  • Read from the text book (if you have one). There are sometimes things in there that the teacher didn’t mention or you didn’t hear.
  • Don’t feel bad if you didn’t get the grade that you wanted. There will likely be more opportunities in the future. Just persevere and believe that you can do it! Don’t let anyone bring you down!
  • Having small goals also helps. Your goals should try to improve slowly and finally an A. Aiming for an A right away leaves you feeling unrewarded and makes your goal seem unreachable.
  • Don’t be afraid to look up extra information about anything you’re studying. Your teachers will be impressed if you can add information that you didn’t learn in class into the essay or test.
  • If you’re uncertain about the wording of a rest question, go and ask the teacher what they mean! As long as you don’t flat out ask for the answer to a question, just what they meant by the question, they will usually answer.
  • For new college students coming out of high school, it helps to not become overwhelmed. The work is not any more difficult, there’s just more of it. Break large assignments down into sub components, divide and conquer.
  • Look to the future, and make sure you see what the benefits of actually studying are.
  • Study even if you do not have a test until a week or so, if you study a night before you will be nervous and not do close to as good. Study your notes and vocabulary also because you never know what will be on the test.
  • Remove all distractions. Although it may be okay to listen to music or leave the TV on while doing simple work, it is best to be in a quiet environment, preferably alone. Make sure you have plenty of space and good lighting.
  • Don’t hang around with friends who are not serious in their education. Always stay close to the smart guys, even if your friends laugh at you. It is your grades and future, what you put in it is what you get out of it.
  • Try to ensure completion of assignments at least seven days prior to the due date, if possible. This will create a buffer in case of absence, poor communication, illness, family emergency, etc. Have an alternate way to get in touch with the professor and members of your project group, such as e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Listen to peaceful noises that help you focus more or go to a favorite place you want to be to study or to do homework.
  • Sometimes it helps if you reward yourself. if you’ve gotten good grades, take a day off of studying. Just don’t slacken too much.
  • If you didn’t do the homework for some reason, talk to your teacher and if you go to he or she, will know that you care about your grade and she might give you another chance at improving.
  • Study groups are a good mental reinforcement, and it is helpful to exchange knowledge and information. Do not, however, get lazy and subdivide all the homework assignments (“You do problems 1 through 5, you get 6 through 10, I will do 11 through 15…”). Remember that you cannot collaborate on exams and the deficiency your understanding will resurface when exam time comes.
  • Even if it is not your turn to work on a group project, or a component thereof, make sure you have a backup plan. This is simply because you cannot depend on other people. Many people at two-year colleges especially are plain lazy and will drag your grade down with their minimalist attitudes if you rely on them to do their part. If possible, avoid working in groups larger than two people.
  • Study with a friend as much as possible. Plan a weekend study session, or weekday sessions and help each other. This tends to work best when you are in the same class and not just with the same teacher – one class can be further ahead than the other.

17 School Pranks on Teachers 3:)


Hello and welcome, pranksters! If you try any of the pranks listed on this site, you really should come and tell us how it went on the forums here. We’re always looking for a good laugh 🙂

Here are 17 school pranks you can play on teachers:

  1. put a employeess wanted sign on the detention door.
  2. In a silent classroom, randomly start banging your head on the desk mumouring “no, no, no shut up get out get out” and when the teacher asks what the matter is just ask what they mean and look confuzed.
  3. make sex sounds and when the teacher looks round look at him or her blaming it on them
  4. In our School, we have Sport houses, and some teachers is elected to be the H.O.D of each department. anywayz, grad some spray cans (hopefully in your house color) and spray paint [your house name] RULES!! on the classroom of Another hod’s room.
  5. If you ever have to give a PowerPoint presentation take as long as possible…. For example, since it needs to be projected onto a big screen to the class can see it you must log into your computer to load it up, correct? “Accidentally” switch off the computer, and say it crashed on you, or pretend it won’t let you log in… when actually you’re just typing the wrong password. If you can get more than 1 person/pair of people to do this, it can lead to some serious wasted time. My hour was 3 days behind other hours because of the fact we got so many people to take their time or “mess up” the computer. 3 days behind = frustration for my lazy-ass English teacher.
  6. steal the remote for the TV from inside the teachers desk when they are not looking. in the middle of a very important subject turn on the TV on and do it again until they teacher has to go get the janitor or someone to “fix” the broken TV.
  7. when your teacher has his/her back turned, laughed in a weird voice, when he or her turns around look at the kid behind you. He get in trouble instead of you
  8. When ya guys gotta do a really (pathetic & insulting to your knowledge) activities expclaim loudly for the teachers to hear, “Oh, yah this is gonna keep the government off may back!” In an sarcastic tone (of course) Oh, just basically anything ya think would piss that Educational Figure of yours off!!
  9. when the teacher is writing sumthing on the board and not facing you , say her name in different vocies like u got to ask her sumthing and when she turns around act like nobody said anything , it works best if you get your buddies to help and if she asks or says stop blame it on ppl you dont like:p
  10. heres a fun school prank: take a universal remote and program it to the TV of the class that you are in, the once programmed, turn on your favorite Tv show and act astonished when the channels “mysteriously” Change and the TV goes on and off!
  11. Only do these if everyone in your class hates your teacher!!!!!: Get everyone together and start dropping pencils ar books at the same time u can even take that teachers book and make him search for it the entire class time.
  12. I have another school prank idea! If you have a band teacher like that take their instrument that they normally play and use some normal glue on the buttons, they’ll be so frustrated for hours but it will come off eventually (use superglue if you hate your teacher that much)
  13. When the teacher gives you work, sit there, don’t do anything and just blabber, like “bluduh!”
  14. For this you will need a coin. When you get that coin put it on the ground under the cafeteria tables. Then say to the person next to you ‘im going to tell on you’. When you go to the teacher or any other person thats watching over everyone, you point at the table that you are sitting at and say ‘i lost my coin’ this will make the person that you said to feel scared. Now you walk with the teacher and look on the ground suprised and say ‘oh look i found my coin, i guess it dropped out of my hand’ this will piss of the teacher and will let others do almost whatever they want.
  15. okay if you are either bored during any class and dont feel like watching the teacher blab about stuff then all u have to do iz fake faint but be carefull try your best not to laugh keep your eyes closed for at least 25 seconds but when u open ur eyes start to shout for help then shut up and look at every one in the room and say your confused and need to see the school nurse then all ur fellow class mates will be off topic and so will the teachers
  16. If your teacher is anal retentive about a classroom object, you could “borrow” it for a while. Leave ransom notes along with pictures. When you finally do return it, return it in a jello-mold.
  17. at lunch get everyone to be quiet by going “shhhhh” and then stand up and start slowly clapping, then get your friends to do it. (but you have to let people know a head of time. but dont tell the teachers)

How to Listen to Music in Class

Class can be boring. And study periods can be even worse, especially if you learn best when you listen to music while studying. You can listen to music in class, but you have to be smart about it if you want to avoid detention. Here are some tips to help you.

Use a small music player. While CD players are bulky and difficult to conceal, your smartphone or an iPod can be nearly invisible.

  1. 2

    Buy earbuds that are about the same color as your hair. Black earbuds are hard to see on people who have dark hair, and white ones are great for those with lighter-colored hair.

  2. 3

    Be prepared beforehand. Test your music player’s volume and set up your headphones before you go into the classroom. Move the earphones about a foot away from your ears, and if you can still hear the music, it is too loud. Also, you want to keep it on the quiet side so if the teacher says something to you, you’ll hear her\him

  3. 4

    Conceal your headphones. The savvy listener knows a couple ways to hide the cord and headphones for the best camouflage.

    • Run the cord through your shirt or shirt sleeve, and out your collar. Put an earbud into the ear that is facing away from the teacher and conceal it with your hair or a hoodie.
    • If you don’t have long hair, turn the earbud upside down and wrap the cord behind your ear.
    • Run the headphones up your sleeve. Keep them in your sleeve, and not in your ear. Then, simply put the sleeve up to your ear and lean on that arm.
    • Use a cordless Bluetooth headset. If your music player supports Bluetooth, these headphones can be very small and easily hidden under your hair.
  4. 5

    Act casually. If your are asked a question, pause the music and answer the question as best you can.

  5. 6

    Sit toward the back of the classroom and away from people who might make a scene.

  6. 7

    Avoid singing along or dancing. This is a dead giveaway every time!

  7. 8

    If you are working on a laptop or computer that involves saving things to bring it home, and allows you to use headphones, save music onto your usb port from your computer and you can listen to music from there.


How to Sleep in Class

Many students don’t get enough shut-eye the previous night. As a result, the students may fall asleep during class. Those students could get in trouble. If you love sleep as much as me, here are a few methods on how to sleep in class and get away with it.

Find a spot where you won’t get noticed by the teacher or other students, as best as possible. Make sure there is a friend near you to wake you up if necessary.

  1. The “I Dropped Something” Method: Place a pencil on the floor near your desk on the right side. Place your left arm horizontally on the edge of the desk. Put your forehead on the arm. Let your right arm flop down as if you are reaching for the pencil. However, the teacher could quite easily notice, that there is something wrong, because it takes less than 35 minutes to pick up a pencil!
  2. 3

    The Book Method: Set up your left arm in the same way as the last method. Open a book and place it on your lap. Place your head down on your arm. Place your right hand on the pages.

  3. 4

    The Book Method #2: Place a hardcover book on your desk opened to the very middle (so the pages don’t turn themselves.) Put your elbows on your desk next to the book with your forearms up. Using your hands shield your eyes like a sun visor/ baseball cap.

  4. 5

    Book Method #3: One very comfortable way to sleep in class, assuming that the teacher does not care if you sleep, is to simply put a book flat on your desk, and rest your forehead on it. While doing this it is important to just keep your arms relaxed in your lap. The downside to this method is it makes it quite obvious you are or are trying to sleep. The major benefit of this method is that it doesn’t cause your arms or any other part of your body to “fall asleep” (no pun intended), thus allowing you to sleep longer without being awoken by your arms tingling in discomfort.

  5. 6

    The Desk Method: Put your arm and head in the usual positions. Reach inside your desk, as if you are rummaging for something.

  6. 7

    The “I’m taking notes method”: Place some paper or notes, preferably with some writing on them, on the table. Place your left elbow on the table and rest the corner of your forehead on the heel of your left palm. Face your head downwards so that you are looking at the edge of your desk. Hold a pen in your right hand to the paper in front of you, as though you were writing something. Also, you can adjust your seat so that you tilt your head and body away from the teacher as much as possible. Switch hands where necessary so that the arm you’re resting on shields you from the teacher.

  7. 8

    The I’m-Reading-Under-The-Desk-Method. Place a book open on your lap, fold your arms on the desk, and put your head down so it looks like your reading your textbook. Answer a couple questions while in this position before you go to sleep, so your teacher thinks you’re awake and paying attention.

  8. 9

    Grab a book and put it standing up on your desk shielding your face from the teacher.

  9. 10

    Try to cup your face if you are reading something. To do this, cup your hands around your eyes and rest your chin in your palms.

  10. 11

    The long hair no-fail method: If your teacher stands in one place, and you have excessively long bangs, put them in front of your face about a few minutes before you decide to sleep. Then, fold your arms on your desk and rest your chin on your arms so your face is facing the teacher. As a variation on this method, if you are allowed to have a backpack or large bag during class, place it on your lap and fold your arms over it as if you are hugging it. Rest your head on top of the bag, instead of the desk, as this gives you a more upright posture, and looks less suspicious. Sweet dreams!

  11. 12

    This method only will work on a computer(computer class, technology etc.) open an “important” webpage, place on hand on the mouse, one hand on the keyboard and slowly fall asleep.

How to successfully skip school :D

Every kid in high school is always trying to think of new ways to skip class. This is where I come into play. I missed forty-two days of high school my senior year and didn’t get caught once. If executed correctly, almost anyone can pull this off. I’ve been told many times that Ferris Bueller didn’t have anything on me. Maybe one day I’ll get my own movie.
I was not a fan of class in high school, and it was well known. I was what most would call the class clown and tended to stay in trouble. If I wasn?t skipping school I was usually suspended. So when I was there, I had to be prepared for anything and everything thrown my way. Missing so many days I had to be an expert at forging doctor?s notes. But for one day you will only need one forged note from your parents.
All materials needed to pull this off can be found around the house. The most important thing needed to pull this off is a functioning brain. Some other materials you may need are soup, Kleenex, and ibuprofen. All these materials will be vital to your success.
To successfully skip a day of school requires two very important things, practice and execution. To begin, this cannot be a spur of the moment thing, it must be thought out and practiced. Don?t come out right away and say you do not feel well. Act so sick your parents have to ask if you are feeling well. The best thing to tell them is that you have a terrible headache and can?t see straight. This cannot be proven wrong.
The next morning, stay in bed until they come tell you that you are going to be late. This is when you tell them you are so sick you can?t make it to class. When they finally depart for work stay put for at least an hour. People have been known to get caught because they are too anxious. Patience is a virtue. When you go to shower, take a minute to look around and memorize where everything is, then when you are finished put everything back the way it was before you got in.
Now leaving the house is the tough part. Be very cautious of noisy neighbors. This next step is very important to your success. Do NOT go anywhere your parents are frequent visitors of. I made this mistake before I was an experienced veteran. Thought it would be a great idea to take my girlfriend out to eat at Toot?s. Forgetting it was my mother?s favorite restaurant. If you happen to run in to them try to get away before you have been seen. If you happen to get caught, lie like a dog. Be prepared for this, have an in-depth lie thought out. Be creative and original when you lie, by doing so it seems more believable.
Finally, when returning to the house, put the car back in the exact same place. Hang up the clothes you wore out and put back on the same clothes you had on this morning. Make a bowl of soup and leave it half full next to your bed along with some Kleenex and ibuprofen. About the time your parents should be returning, turn off your lights and act as if you are sleeping.
If these steps are followed correctly and executed flawlessly you should have successfully skipped a day of school. This is not for everyone. If you cannot lie to your parents do not even attempt this. But for the rest of you cold-hearted people like myself, best of luck to you.