How to annoy a teacher


How to annoy a teacher


This is how to annoy a teacher, trust me: Its worth the trouble.


1. Whenever the teacher calls on you say the answer as slowly or as stupidly as possible

2.Whenever you come into class trip uncontrollably

3. Cough and really loud and over and over again, and when they ask whats wrong say “nothing”. Then start all over.

4.Whenever the teachers turns there back giggle loudly, then when they turn back around stop.

5.Answer all the questions in a different launguage.

6. Twich so much it makes things fall of the desk

7. When they order you to leave your classroom, pick up your things as slowly as possible

8. Make wierd noises when ever you hear a common word, for example the word “the”.

9. When you are sent out, make weird faces in the window.

10. Dont bring anything to school, then always complain you dont have anything whenever the teacher asks you to do something.


Hope you liked those. I know I like it while im doing it!! 😉

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