more school pranks :D

1. This one can get you in trouble. You need one of those opening desks, say, hey what’s that? If someone puts their head in or hand in, slam the desk.

2. Alot of teachers leave their keys on the desk. When no one’s looking, grab them and put them in your backpack. Then, at lunch, throw them over the fence, simple.

3. Use somebody else’s computer when they are in the bathroom etc. go to porn sites and leave it sit there, go back to your computer.

4. take your targets backpack, take everything out and stuff it with playboy, then, when near a crowd, say, hey I have _____’s backpack. Open it and show everyone. You could also trip and spill the magazines in your backpack for fun.

5. Delete stuff on computers. Simple, but we were working on long ass projects and the kids had to start over, they all failed. Have fun with geeks and kids with high IQ who normally would have gotten an A+.

6. Write really bad stuff all over the bathroom in permanent marker or spray paint

7.steal all of the chalk and markers from as many classrooms as you can

8. Put soap in the water fountains

9. Put nudie pictures in people’s lockers, this backfires if they keep to themselves and are perverts.

10. Bash in people’s lockers, best used if you dent a kid with a bad record’s locker.

11.jam as many door as possible with gorilla glue

12.when they’re a school dance, get a whole bunch of soda, and run around throwing onto the bitchy, crappily dressed girls and run like hell. Live close to the school

13.Put icy hot on the toilet seats, If you’re a girl, it works better because boys use urinals most of the time, but if a boy or girl comes running into class screaming,” MY ASS!” you’d laugh so hard, so it’s worth a try.

14. Stand at a urinal, someone has to be next to you or in the bathroom, too. act like your trying to pee while saying,” come out you stupid pee!”

15. Sit in the stall with a fart machine. ‘Nuff said.

16. During class, say, Mrs. or Mr._______? When they say, yes? Don’t say anything. trust me, if you do this enough, it really pisses them off. You should be as far from the desk as possible.

17. Take the little box out of the pencil sharpener that holds shavings

18. If you have little patches of grass somewhere, take a shit on it and say a dog did it.

19. Say that you have a fever, when you get to the nurse, put a penny under your tongue and when they take your temperature, it will be hot. this only works with mouth thermometers. My school got smart somehow and started using the ear one, I’m not sticking a penny in my ear!

20. You know those stupid phones in class that the teachers use? Tape the little thing that if you push it down, it will stop the call. Taping it lets it ring, but you can’t pick it up!

 21. In sex Ed class, they usually have a little box where you can ask a question without them knowing who it is. Put dumb-ass questions like, what’s doggy style and shit like that. 22. If the teacher asks a question, raise your hand. When you get picked say it was a math problem, say, California or something. The teacher will eventually stop picking you or kick your ass.

23. When they use overhead projectors, use your hands to do sexual stuff on the blind thing. my friend drew did it by putting a finger into his hand and stupid stuff like that.

24. You could also do the kiddy version by making hand puppets; I’ll bet five bucks no one will read this one.

25. If you get those stupid ass book orders, usually through elementary, order those spy packs or whatever the hell they are, then send them back!

26. If you are dumb and decide to keep the spy pack, use the magnifying glass to stare at peoples shoulders. if you’re a boy, stare a chicks boobs with it, you might get lucky with a girlfriend!

27. Stare at someone that you know likes you all dreamy eyed, if they look at you like that back, just say “you’re ugly”, and hold the face. If the girls the girl of your dreams, don’t be a dumb ass, ask her out instead.

28. If you’re just going into middle school, go up to the monitor and ask, where are the monkey bars in a kid voice.

29. Suggest a Britney Spears song at a dance. You must be a boy.

30. Request a Barbara Streisand song at a dance. If you have done this not in a prank way, you have the worlds worst taste in music!

31. Spit gum on the carpets of the library or classroom

32. Spill some soda or Gatorade on the carpets. Don’t get your ass caught, they don’t even allow water bottles at my school.

33. Say you’ll bet a kid he can’t hit that wall over there with a rock, make sure there’s a monitor or teacher right there.

34. Bet someone a dollar they can’t get threw school all day without getting in trouble for wearing an ordinary black shirt. Duh they’ll do it, then tape a piece of paper that says that Mr. ______ is a #^$%&#$%@*% be creative and colorful with your words. You could also tape a naughty picture instead. Make sure to get out sick right away.

35. Chew gum in class and when they ask if you are, swallow it, repeat.

36. Use a fart machine in class

37. Open up one of the tiles on the ceiling; put a piece of meat, fish, rotten eggs or something up there. You could also use my super stink bomb and put it up there.

 38. Slip porn magazines into some ones bag and take it. say, hey I have________’s bag open it and spill the magazines. This is from one of my other posts. yes I’m running out of ideas, these are all from my head in one night, part 1 and 2

39.pull out a flashlight and turn it on when you’re watching a movie.

40. When someone uses a microphone at an assembly, tell someone,” I never know she could talk so loud while eating a black ice cream cone, and it’s my favorite flavor!” I love people’s faces on this one!

41. Write swears all over every page of the textbooks, preferably not yours, dumb-ass!

42. Let off a stink bomb in the bathroom stall. if someone is still there, say, “whew! Musta been that burrito!”

43. Bring a huge ass box of marbles, rocks, ice cubes, and pens and pencils, roll them down the hallway, if you have more than one floor or some kind of ramp, and roll them there. Preferably, bring it all in a cooler so the ice stays frozen.

44. Have you and your friends skate down the rails down stairs while trying to hold on to a handful of marbles. When a monitor or teacher comes, roll all the marbles at them and run or skate like hell.

45. In class, make moaning noises and when the teacher turns around, stop, then start again.

46. Throw a smoke bomb or several; make sure you don’t leave fingerprints on them, into the bathroom or in a classroom. They might think it’s a fire at evacuate.

47. Get a whole bunch or crickets and roaches and let them out during class when no ones looking. Make sure you yell roaches first to lose the suspicion.

48. Unplug the computers in random places so they have to check them all.

49. Put a whole bunch of books from the library into someone’s backpack when they aren’t looking. Duh you both must be in the library

50.Make a map leading to nowhere. Good reactions!

51.pour red food coloring into the toilet

52. When someone sits in their chair pull it HARD.

53. Write notes from the principal to the teacher, make sure they are erotic!

54. Pretend to be making out with someone in the back of the class, when they ask what you’re doing, say, making out with my girlfriend. Stand up and pretend to hold her hand and say,” come on Britney, let’s go somewhere else,” and walk out the door.

55. Bring like 300 pencils and keep breaking them while “trying” to write. When you’re done, ask someone for a pencil, and break it, repeat.

56. Pour superglue into the urinals at the end of the day, no one will be able to use them the next day as long as the janitor doesn’t see it.

57. Grab someone’s yearbook and write bad things on the two front pages.

58. Pour superglue into someone’s backpack. Alternately, piss in it.

59. Use piss balloons in class.

60. Between periods, run down the hall screaming, “no, you can’t make me go to class!!!” at the top of your lungs

Sorry for this inconvinience, but pranks 61-80 has been accedently deleted. It will be back in at a maxamum  of one week, so stay posted 🙂

81.this works only on stupid people. Tape a note that says something like “test scores” or something on the closet door. Works better if there are boxes in the closet.

82. Bring a C.D player and listen to C.D’s at full blast and when they ask if you’re listening to music, say no and turn it off, then on later.

83. Slap someone on the back and act like you didn’t do it. Pretend to be listening in an earpiece and say, yeah, when will it go off, how big will it be, so run out the fire exit? And stuff like that. My target freaked out!

84. It’s classic and unoriginal, I know, but tape a note that says, I suck, on the teachers back.

85. Chew gum in the library, then spit it into a book and put the book back.

86. Steal someone’s homework and put it in the lost and found, or throw it away.

87. Mess around all the stuff in the teacher’s desk, take stuff, take answer books, write stuff, whatever you want. Even if you can’t use the answer book, they will postpone assignments because someone has one.

88. If you’re school have those dumb pictures of former principals, take one and put it in your back pack. Or just draw on it.

89. kick any balls you can get your hands on over the fence, only for principals you hate, they have to pay for them.

90. Take those bins that you put work in and empty them into your backpack, then use them to clog the toilets.

91. Put itching powder on the teacher’s desk.

92. Get a whole bunch of ants and let them lose all over school, preferably they cafeteria.

93. Bring a knife and put it in someone’s backpack. Then steal someone’s book or something. They should search everyone’s backpacks and find the knife.

94. Paint the windows and light things black, no light.

95. Take shopping cart to school and roll down the hallway and stairs. My friends and i did this and we hit a few people and they fell into the cart. Yes I recently saw jackass the movie.

96. Pour superglue onto all of the seats, if they don’t sit, then they still can’t because a few people must have sat anyways and they will be trying to figure that out. Also works with paint, just use the same color as the chair.

97. Take a picture of your enemy and paste it everywhere on a piece of paper that says, wanted: for being a moron and being disabled. Reward: no homework for a week.

98. Never come to school with pencils and always ask for one. Or just give them a blank piece of paper and say you couldn’t find a pencil.

99. Dress up as Jason because the Friday the thirteenth is coming. There are some people in school so this qualifies. Walk around pretending to kill your friends.

100. Tell every kid to fake being sick on the day of the tests. Make sure you get EVERYONE! When no one shows up the teachers will either go home or wait for all the late students.

Well that’s it. Remember my rule: Make teachers life HELL

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